Friday, June 20, 2008


Yah, today since my hands feel awfully itchy...and to actually use some of my brain cells, so as to keep it active, Yes!! I decided to blog. Bout what? Ahah, since i just woke up from sleep, i shall crap about my sleeping cycle for the past week. *lmao*

Umm, i wouldn't call my sleeping cycle normal anymore, since I *ehem* was known to be "early to bed, early to rise" Well not anymore, I don't know why, BUT i know when, =P, since last week. Yeah. I find that my amount of sleeping time IS NOT ENOUGH. I have hard time waking up, staying awake in classes ( eh usual days I do ok?) or just staying awake to eat..or do anything but sleep... haha.
I've no idea why am i soo sleEpy, though i've got a few theories lah,
i) too much dreaming---> REM sleep keeps my brain working all nite!!
ii) dream hopping---> its like movie marathon the whole night. diff scenes, diff ppl.
iii) according to Lois (roomie) I am stressed due to coming exam...well now its over and i STILL am sleepy
iv) secretly thinks that Sharon's, Niba's and Lois's sleepiness came to me while i leave them all wid insomnia. Whoops, this was suppose to be a secret... ~shhH~ =D
v) Yee Lein says i got African sleeping sickness -_-''' yah sure where am i supp to get bitten by an African FLY?! unless got India version lah.

Yeah well even now after taking a nap straight after class and wakin up 2 hrs later i still feel like falling back into bed and head straight to La la land. Well just INCASE my condition is pathogenic lah...i decided to first take preventive measure...after all, prevention is better than cure.

I googled on how to stay awake....haha. what better way right? Internet are sure damn helpful these centuries. And some of their "recommended" ways I find pretty interesting..maybe, just MAYBE i might try them out. Here goes:-

[1. Staying Awake in Lecture Hall. This is can be a really tough one. The best way to handle this is with multiple tactics:
If allowed, bring coffee, discreet snacks, and gum. (can't, these lecturers, old hags or not they sure got eye of an eagle)
Even if you are not a note taker, start writing down everything the teacher is saying to keep your mind alert. (heck these ppl writings are unreadable. or their pronounciation sucks that in the end i think i juz copied down some mumbo jumbo)
Move as much as you can. Tap your foot or bounce your leg. Switch position in your chair frequently. Stretch. Move your head. Tap your fingers. (do tat and u'll get called out and asked by them, "why are you dancing in my class?"
Pain. This is kind of an emergency procedure. If you can't stay awake consider pinching yourself. I know it's a little strange, but pain can keep you awake. (ah yes, this works, sharon & niba just loveee pinching me)
Stimulating Thoughts: think of something that makes you happy or makes you feel good. I'll leave it at that. (haha yah, it works, but prob is at the end of the class when the lecturers starts asking questions....uh oh)
Online activity: this wasn't around when I was in college, but I would imagine if you're in the back of the class you could surf the web, email your friends, and read Dumb Little Man. (haha this i find hilarious, how the heck am i supp to go on9 la, my coll isn't exactly a 21st century punya building,even though it WAS built recently (i think).And throught wat? laptop..u'd think the lecturers will actually take it as our "notebook" huh. Phone leh...our phone line here ah, suxs to the max la, got 1 line bar consider miracle loh.)
Entertain Yourself: see if you can summon your extrasensory powers by willing someone to look at you. Or try across the room flirting. Why not? (erm, well the purpose we students sits at back of class and not 1st row is NOT to attract lecturer's attention. And if i tried it on my batchmates, i think i might just freak them out or they think I'm into them. HELL NO)but cool, if i do have psychic powers maybe i can read ppl's mind too? =P]

Ah this whole excerpt is copied and pasted here from a website called Dumb Little Man. lolz
A year in making reports at coll sure do taught me how to quote-unquote ppl in case i get sued for plagarism.

Umm another one is by someone nick "BattleHamster" *raised eyebrows*
If your at home, try putting one foot in cold water. For some fun, put the other foot in hot water. (whoa, this this even scientifically working?)

Is it raining out? Lets try some self control exercises. Go out, without a coat or umbrella. Here's the fun part (as you guessed): seeing how long you can stay out. Don't stand under things, unless they're actively dripping on you harder than the rain. Stand under the end of a gutter, eve, grotesque, or other runoff. Try doing some exercise outside. When you finally come back inside, take a hot shower. (ummm i think after taking a hot shower AFTER a cold one will make u even MORE sleepy)

If you're in class or something else important (meeting, conference, etc.) try digging something blunt but sharpish, like the metal tab at the top of a binder, into your palm. The heel of your palm, or the side opposite your thumb. (ah, the pain element. but man this description makes one sound like their self mutilating)

Next, try holding your breath. Once you've done that two or three times, hyperventilate. (ohkay, maybe i can use this)

If you're into drugs, try some speed. Or just lay off the depressants at least. (LOLZ where do I get them ah?)

Okay, i think i entertained my brain enough now. And man, the things ppl do to stay awake. Of coz who am I to say since i will be tryin them out tomorrow...wakaka. However, by the end of the day also, I know I will just collapse on the bed and doze off...zzzZZZZZZZZZZZ

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